
All prints are sold in signed, limited editions.

Prints are usually sold in image sizes of 11" x 14" or 16" x 20" but may be sold in other sizes.

The prints are Ilfochrome Classic prints, which are high quality archival products that are very resistant to fading. Printing is normal full frame from 35 mm slide film. No enhancements or modifications are made by digital/computer/software processing.

Prints are mounted in signed and numbered mats. The prints may be purchased framed or unframed.

Print prices depend on image size, framing, and edition number.


The Book, Light Forms: Architectural Images of Greece

Signed copies of the book may be purchased directly from the artist for $15.00. Copies of the book may also be purchased from

Shipping and Handling

Shipping, handling and insurance charges will be paid by the customer for orders that are shipped to or for the customer.

To Purchase

To purchase a print or a copy of the book, or to obtain additional information, contact the artist directly by telephone: (202.236.7004) or (405.501.1542) or by email.


design by

    last updated on 9/10/07